As a Florist you will be spending most of your time working on cleaning roses, making bows out of ribbons, wrapping paper, etc. Jazmine Rodriguez and Destiny Quinteros are currently owners of a small floral business named “Esencia Rosas” which you can find on Instagram as @esencia._.rosas and they started January 2024.
Us as outsiders never get to see the time, work, effort, energy, and motivation it takes to make bouquets or any kind of floral arrangement.
So therefore, Jazmine and Destiny have a few words they want to share with us. “Being a florist seemed easy however once it was our first time having to do an bouquet the number one thing that we kept an eye out for was the condition we receive the roses. We buy our roses from a wholesaler and they are packaged. Whenever it comes to us having to go buy our roses we do try to compare every single bulk and with what we are able to see, touch, and feel on the roses we choose the best one. However we have had situations where the roses were very damaged, broken, or just in general not in good condition which is going to happen and that’s fine but besides that we think the most important part of being a florist is knowing that your always going to learn new things and skills as well as bring happiness to those who are receiving the floral arrangement.”
Being a florist isn’t just about getting roses and wrapping them with floral paper and calling it a bouquet, it’s about creativity.