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After many matches, our Montclair Boys JV soccer team triumphed, awarded with the title of league champions. With high expectations since the beginning our boys worked hard every day and managed to obtain the arduous task of winning league. The final...

1. Saturday The last day of the week. All homework and worries of getting enough rest are out of sight, out of mind. Saturday's are the best...

What could you do over the summer that won't make you lose your skill and motivation for the next year? If you're just starting out as a freshmen...
Since the end of the 2023-2024 school year is coming to an end, finals are coming up. Finals are the big tests that can either boost our grade...

Colleges are finally making their regular decisions for our 2024 Montclair Seniors! Graduation is coming closer and closer and Seniors need to...

A more recent Alaskan Airlines flight experienced a dramatic incident when a door detached mid-flight. Fortunately, no passengers were seated...

Many parents and people have trouble keeping up with rent, especially if it doesn't align with their checks. To make matters worse, rent is not...

Final exams are approaching, it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement. But remember, this is your moment to shine to showcase all the knowledge...

As the year comes to an end, opening new opportunities for lower classmen. Imagine the rush of adrenaline as you sprint down the field, ball...