Montclair High’s Harvest Festival was held on September 28, 2023. Many families and students were able to purchase food, drinks, desserts, and play some fun games!
Renaissance did an amazing job. Many customers walked out with a giant slice of pizza in their hand and a smile on their face. Henna and face painting was a great activity for this festival. It was a great sight to see students and younger kids to walk out with flowers, hello kitty, and beautiful designs painted on their face. It’s amazing to see our CAV´S patience and creativity.
Baseball left quite a competition for some customers. They set up a net and had a few baseballs out so customers could throw them into the net, and they clocked the speed of the throws. Customers were very competitive and attempted to beat the speed of their previous throw, with bystanders encouraging them to beat their speeds. It was truly a great stand.
Urban Nature club also did an outstanding job selling churros for only $2! Customers went back to get seconds for the warm churros, little packets of nutella were provided for an extra dollar as well. The advertisement signs were eye-catching and very humorous.
The Food Drive club sold everybody’s favorite drink at the moment, boba. It was interesting to see this tapioca pearl drink being sold, but they didn’t disappoint. Many people had their boba drink in their hand while walking around enjoying the cornhole toss that was ran by Key club, and cup pong that was ran by the Dance Team!
Montclair High School’s Harvest Festival of 2023 was an absolute blast and everyone had a great time. People enjoyed their snacks, prizes, and their time at the games. If you attended the Harvest Festival please feel free to drop a comment about it :)!