The Future of Link Crew Approaching it’s End?

Teachers voting to decide the fate of the program.

Kaylyn-Noelani Ganiron, Staff Writer

LinkCrew, as a program, is in great danger. As teachers begin voting whether or not to keep the 6th period CAV Core/ SSR, it proposes the idea of completely wiping out the study hall period from all student schedules for the coming school years. The gravity of this proposition is quite concerning to LinkCrew advisor, Sharla Fitzgerald-Spier, because “6th period CAV Core is pivotal for LinkCrew to have access and make connections with the freshman class. LinkCrew is with the same group of freshmen for the whole school year which strengthens bonds with the leaders and Montclair. Moving forward, LinkCrew as a program will definitely be changed and it’s just a matter of time to see how these changes will be implemented”.

Link Crew leaders huddled together after a successful synergy event.

By removing 6th period CAV Core from future freshman schedules, it would take away the opportunity to form those personal connections between LinkCrew leaders and freshmen. Not just that but LinkCrew leaders would have to meet with the freshman during lunch or after school just to keep the program going. This is very concerning to junior LinkCrew leader, Ariana Zepeda, because “If 6th period is no longer a thing anymore, then it would take away the whole purpose of what LinkCrew is supposed to be […] Having to meet with freshmen during lunch time or afterschool is just not something that will ever be possible because it takes away from all of our personal/ free time”. When 6th period is removed from student schedules, it then adds that time to classes. Meaning that each class will be extended in time to make up for that time that was originally taken for the study hall period.

As the voting has already closed for teachers, it is now officially confirmed that there will be no 6th period CAV Core/ SSR for the 2023-2024 school year. Use the poll below to share your stance on this decision or share your opinions in the comment section.

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What does losing 6th period mean to you?


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