A Wave of Showers: What’s next?
January 31, 2023
Our 2023 semester has officially started and we were welcomed with tons of rain due to a powerful storm that hit California. This rain brought it all wind, rain, and gloomy weather that many of us love and others despise. Towards the beginning of January there had been news about a Cyclone Bomb forming in the pacific ocean which as anticipated to bring strong winds and rain fall. Yet it was set to move in at a slow pace, they were proven wrong. This ended up being a positive thing since there had been much damage done: mud slides, damaged housing, and flooding in different parts of California. If the storm went as predicted, there would have been more damage affecting the state in destruction. Overall the storm did bring California’s drought status down to a moderate rate.

Though it was a broad weather pattern, Montclair pushed through a week of harsh rain. The weather left many of us startled in the cold we didn’t expect, due to our usual sunny skies. At the moment we have been looking forward to some chilly days with the sun shining bright, bringing warmth. What type of weather with our students here at MHS looking forward to the most?
“I want to see more sunny days, since it’s been really cold the last few months. I love seeing the sun in the morning and feeling the warm weather!” – Senior: Aileen Muñoz
“I’m looking forward to some cool weather with sun and parted clouds. Enough to the point where I can wear a can wear a layer on top or even just a shirt without freezing.” – Junior: Tyson Jones

There’s a mix of it all, but we did end up getting some light rain this weekend. The forecast seems to be keeping a steady eye upon the sun for the upcoming weeks. Soon enough we will have parted clouds with the new season bringing bright days blossoming life once again. What type of weather are you looking forward to in 2023?