Winter Formal
January 19, 2023
In order for the winter formal to take place, 200 pre-sale tickets had to be purchased. Unfortunately, this demand was not met by the set deadline of winter break. According to Mrs. Mitchell, the Activities Director, only 15 tickets were sold. So why did this event fail before it could even begin?
You’d think students would be eager to take part in another dance, following the success of homecoming. Students talked about homecoming for weeks prior to the event. The winter formal would have been almost the same. School dances bring people together as students dress to impress and dance throughout the night. The winter formal sounded like a creative event that could have been special for students as spring approaches and the winter season ends.
For those hopeful students who want this event to happen, I’m sorry to inform you that it’s not a possibility. In regards to the disinterest exhibited by the lack of ticket sales, Mitchell stated that she “genuinely doesn’t know” why students didn’t purchase tickets. “We got a huge student push to throw the dance”. “My philosophy is if you guys want it, it’s my job to facilitate that happening” added Mitchell. Sweet words from the advisor of the esteemed student body. With students behind the idea in mind, the question lingers: What is the reason behind this formal failure?
Mitchell touches on the subject by saying “Historically, a winter dance has never had ticket sales on this campus”. “So, the last two that we had before COVID both sold under 100 tickets”. “At that point we lose about 3,000-4,000 dollars”. Instead of losing so much money, the school averts funding towards activities and events such as prom. However, the wonder remains.
Why do you think students found the winter formal less appealing? Are you just not that interested in a school dance?
Please feel free to express your opinion in the comments!