Journalism Club Opportunities for the New School Year

Kaylyn-Noelani Ganiron, Staff Writer

As the 2022-2023 school year is just less than five months away from a close, it’s time for underclassmen to start thinking about how they want to spend their next year in high school.

Joining a journalism club is a great way for students to express their ideas, creativity, and shed light on events, news, or activities that don’t receive much attention. For instance, the different genres that students can choose to write about gives opportunities to explore the literary world through a new perspective, and also gets you, as a student here at Montclair High School, a chance to become more involved and immersed in the community. Being a staff writer for “The Clarion” doesn’t just stop at writing articles, you can also run for an officer position; such as president, vice president, treasurer, social media executive, secretary, or with previous years of experience needed, a story editor.

If interested in joining the journalism club, please stop by Ms. Turnbull’s classroom to see how you can join next school year!


Which teacher runs the journalism club?

English teacher, Ms. Turnbull

What classroom is this club held in?

Room 223 on the second floor in the H building

Can any grade level join this club?

Yes, all grade levels are welcomed to join!

How does this impact my graduation credits?

This course will count towards computer and elective credits